The Donk Blog

Friday, January 26, 2007

1st entry

I will be posting in this blog everyday (hopefully) and will prolly just talk about random shit in my life.

Last night I put in an order for 100 shares of Marvell MRVL stock at market's open. I ended up getting in at 18.89, and the stock is up 24 cents today. Cramer has over 10,000 shares of this stock for his action alerts portfolio and I have pretty much put all my eggs in one basket because 2,000 in the stock market is literally nothing. I am hoping this stock can rise at least to 25 bucks so I can make a nice profit. I will probably be taking a lot of risks in the stock market to try to build up the 2k as quickly as possible. I feel like I dont have much to lose being that I am only 20 years old and can probably make 2k back in poker without much of a problem over the next few months. I am also keeping my eye on two other stocks. LVLT, which is a company that deals directly with YouTube and Myspace and RiteAid who is supposed to acquire some other company (which Cramer says is a good thing) These two stocks are also the top 2 speculative stocks for Cramer in 2007.

That being said poker has been a big pain in the ass as of late. I feel like I am playing about as good as I possibly can. That being said, I am on a sick downswing. As soon as I got my silver star for being in the top 20 avg profit per sng players I have done nothing! Over the past 130 sngs or so I have been a break even player, which really sucks! I guess all that running good has finally caught up to me. (I made nearly 3k in 1 month.... all from sngs) I will continue grinding starting tonight and can hopefully turn things around.

I'll update tomorrow after speech to let you know how my evening session went.


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