The Donk Blog

Friday, February 16, 2007

Just finished a session

Been playing for the last 3 hours, played 10 sngs and was VERY Patient heads up. I actually won 6 of the 10 sngs, which is awesome. I made 374 bucks!!

I felt like I was playing really well and I was getting a little lucky too!

I am attacking weakness and taking my medium and short stacks and building them up nicely.

I am stabbing at uncordinated boards when its a limped pot, and taking it down a lot. I am raising a lot heads up when I sense weakness and being very patient.

It is nice to be able to finally take down these sngs once I get heads up. I just have to be very very patient and eventually I can usually get them.

I probably am done for the night, I have class tomorrow morning at 9AM, and I need to write a paper for english. I will prolly grab some food and maybe go back to the gym and run 6 miles.

Great night!



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