The Donk Blog

Monday, February 05, 2007


I had to clean out the basement tonight because my mom is finally getting the basement finished, the guy is starting tomorrow so I had to carry mad shit into the garage all day and tonight, so I didnt have much time to play many sngs

After that disaster on Sunday playing the satellites I lost about 200 bucks and my account was down to 190 ish. I loaded up 1 30.00 sng and sharkscoped it. To my amazement there were FIVE SHARKS and every single person in the sng had made at least 1k. So instead of loading up more 30's I loaded up three 20's.

I ended up finishing 1st in the 30 and busting out in all of the 20's. (Go figure)
Had 2 bad beats in the 20's and lost a flip deep in the other one. I ended up making about 30 bucks from the small session. Its almost midnight now and I still have to watch mad money, so I gotta run. I'll take a winning day any way I can get it!



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