The Donk Blog

Friday, February 02, 2007


Marvell is still hanging around 18.50, cant seem to find a big push. I am still confident in the pick and think it will get to 25. However, I am starting to see why 2,000 in the stock market just isnt enough money. If I were to get a 25% return on my 2000 investment that would only be a profit of 500 bucks, which really sucks for the time I will be waiting on the stock. It almost seems imossible to make good money in the stock market without much to work with. I am gonna stick with Marvel in the meantime and hope it can gain some steam ahead, or until I run outta money :-)

I'll be playing some 30's again tonight. I feel like I am in the zone and I think tonight is the night I break through the Lee Jones barrier. He cannot continue to give me bad beats all throughout february, so I think now is as good of time as any to break through the barrier.



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