The Donk Blog

Friday, July 20, 2007

And this is running bad

My stats are pathetic now, I am embarrased to post them. Here is how I ran today if anyone cares: 75/25 loss 81/19 loss 75/25 win! small pot won with AA bet the flop? pretty standard laydown I think standard stdnrd laydown 55/45 loss I got lucky Aces win against 99! 80/20 loss 55/45 loss 45/55 loss 20/80 tilt loss

Looks like I am back to playing 36R's or go play 50 NL and short stack it because I barely have 400 bucks in my pokerstars account.

I ran pretty bad about a month and a half ago, but it really doesn't compare to what I experienced tonight. It is just so fucking frustrating to constantly put yourself in good situations and lose. I made one bad play all night. The worst I got my money in before that time was 55/45. I didn't win one race all day, and lost 2 out of three 75/25's I had and both 80/20 situations I found myself in. That is a bad run of variance. I hate to move down when I am getting my money in so good, but I don't have any way of putting money on stars, so I will just have to make due with what I have right now.

My goal now is to grind back up to 800ish playing 36R's and grinding 50NL. Then take another shot at 100nl. If I keep running this way though I won't have a bankroll after tomorrow. This is brutal. When I run like this it is fucking depressing as hell.

Some good news is I am listing all the DMB tickets on eBay and they are all doing really well as far as turning a profit on them is concerned. Also, I am in a a bit of a bind of money as I have had a terrible past three months and I am getting around 1,300 for settlement on my Dad's final expences. That coupled with some profits from Dave should get me by for a bit while I get this poker shit straightened out.

I'm done bitching for the night... I am so glad this day is over



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