The Donk Blog

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Tonight and tomorrow

So.. my speech class sounds like it is going to be brutal. I hate speaking in public, but I guess it will be good for me... but damn I hate it.

Tonight I played just 6 sngs because I almost tilted after I busted outta the 3rd and 4th ones, losing two straight flips and then trapping this guy only to get bad beated on the end. I ended up taking down 1 and finishing 3rd in another. I ended up making $24 not bad considering I think I took it on the chin a bit with bad beats.

Tomorrow I think I will get up early and start grinding out some turbo rebuys to the million and the sunday warm up. Here is what I am planning to play:

8:32 11+R to 215
9:12 11+R to 215
9:32 11+R to 215
10:12 11+R to 215

12:30 22+R to 530
1:30 22+R to 530
1:50 22+R to 530
2:30 22+R to 530

Hopefully I can get lucky in a couple of these things and pick up some tourney cash.

I'm still not sure what I am going to do with my Marvell stock, but I am leaning toward selling it on any upswing.

I'll update tomorrow and let you know how it went.


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