The Donk Blog

Thursday, February 22, 2007

I am a donkey

I donked off a shit load of money today playing cash games

I just suck at cash... i just need to give it up

I think I will

I played so many big hands and could not hit a draw to save my life. Then I donked off 200 bucks playing way over this guy's head. I had played over 1000 hands with this one dude and I knew he had me beat but instead of just cutting my losses I fell directly into his trap and put in my last 80 bucks. So depressing when I knew I was 100% beat and could not win the hand.

I lost like 400 bucks (2 buy in's) I think it is time to go back to sngs... I cant handle these swings. Maybe i'll give it a try some other time



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