The Donk Blog

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Been A While.......

Havn't posted on here in a long while but I have been playing much better. I got out of the cash games (thank god) and went back to sngs for a while. I ran pretty well at the 20's and then eventually started making some money pretty fast in a few satellites. I have discovered a couple new and VERY profitable tournaments:

55.00 turbo 18 man sngs


36.00 rebuy to the sunday million

I have played 16 of the 55.00 18 man turbos and so far I have taken down two. My stats in them so far are:

16 played, avg profit 39, avg roi 65%, total profit 624

So, as you can see so far they have been treating me fairly well

Another interesting point to make is that these tournaments are some of the fishiest I have seen thus far online (sng wise) ESPECIALLY DURING THE DAY. It is not uncommon to sharkscope the entire 18 man field and see 9 fish in the tournament. I have just been waiting for a solid and and pushing it and hoping it holds. I am playing them almost like a 5.00 sng!

The 36.00 rebuy to the million is a tournament that I have qualified for 8 of 10 times. The 1st 8 times I played it I qualified for the million, only these last two times I have not. Basically I rebuy instantly and do the add on, as long as I dont do anything stupid I can just steal blinds late and make my way to the million (which I take the tourney cash). The last two times I have played it I have gotten involved in some big hands right after the 1st break which were unneccessary, but both were fairly unlucky hands. Basically if I can just maintain my stack until the end of the 2nd hour I am nearly a shoe in for the seat because I can just constantly steal blinds. It should make for an easy 100 bucks most of the time. I need to get back on track with it!

I got kinda bored tonight and decided to play some 5/10 limit holdem b/c the game looked juicy (and it was) I got unlucky quite a few times and ended up losing about 200 bucks in the game.. which really aggrevates me. I decided to stop playing and come write this blog because I was steaming. I don't even know what the hell I was doing playing 5/10 limit holdem but it wasnt a good idea even though I know I am +ev in the game.

Since I was making such poor decisions with my money and because of the terrible state of online poker I decided to cash out about 1,100 bucks. This is pretty much all the money I have made in the last week or so, and takes my bankroll down to 800 bucks. If I have less money to play with I am less likely to make bad decisions with my money.

Hopefully I can get back on track with the 36.00 rebuy tomorrow night and I might play some more 55$ 18 man turbos.

I'll be back tomorrow with an update



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